Easy Data Transform newsletter

Easy Data Transform v1.6.2 released

Easy Data Transform v1.6.2 is now available for Windows and Mac. This release has improvements and bug fixes, including:

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Find out more and download the new release from the release page:

Download Easy Data Transform v1.6.2

This is a free upgrade to anyone with a v1 license. If you don’t yet have a license, you can buy one here.

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A philosopical question

Can a table with no rows have columns?

Can a table with no columns have rows?

In v1.6.1 and earlier the answer to both is ‘no’. It seems like an obscure and unimportant decision. However it turns out to be important in Easy Data Transform.

Imagine you have a Filter transform with another 10 transforms ‘downstream’ before the output. If you change your filter terms (or the input changes) so that no input rows match, then all the columns are also removed in v1.6.1 and before. This then resets all the column related options in all the downstream transforms. This can happen even if there was no match for only a few seconds while you were in the process of updating the filter terms. Ouch.

So we have changed it so that a dataset can have columns, even if it has no rows. Hopefully this will make changing chains of transforms less fraught.

Spreading the word

If you like what we are doing, we would really appreciate it if you could help us spread the word. Whether it is telling a friend or mentioning us on Twitter or posting in a forum, it all helps!

Andy Brice
Oryx Digital Ltd

Questions or problems?

Email support@easydatatransform.com