Easy Data Transform v1.0.0
For Windows and Mac

This release adds improvements and bug fixes to v0.9.9. The download links are at the bottom of the page.

We recommend that you back-up important transform files before installing any new release. Please let us know of any problems or issues you encounter with the release.


Windows and Mac

1. Easy Data Transform now requires a yearly subscription once the 7 (non-consecutive days) trial is completed.

2. Items with large numbers of columns are now displayed faster in the Right pane.

3. Fewer calls are now made to the system registry.

4. You are now prompted if files with unrecognized extensions are input.

5. A bug that caused unnecessary CPU utilization when a transform item was selected has now been fixed.

6. When CSV files are written to UTF formats, a BOM (Byte Order Mark) is now included for easier decoding.

7. Various other bug fixes and minor improvements.


Windows Logo Windows Download

v1.0.0 for Windows 10 / 8 / 7 (21 MB)

Apple Logo Mac Download

v1.0.0 for Mac 10.15 to 10.12 (20 MB)

Questions or problems?

Email support@easydatatransform.com