What our customers think

This software is absolutely amazing! Using Easy Data Transformation, I was able to stack 4 Excel workbooks, trim the data, remove unneeded columns, unpivot the data (this is huge), stack the new dataset with another Excel workbook, concatenate columns, filter, sort, pivot, summarize and export to Excel, in less than 15 minutes. This would have taken me hours to do in Excel. The genius of this software is that you get to see each transformations results in real time! If you made a error in data transformation, you see it instantly!! I love this software and so will you!!

Dan Feliciano, OpEx90 Inc and Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, USA

I would like to take this opportunity to say that your program has saved me a lot of time and money. Previously, the programmer had to write or tell what I want to get as a result of file conversion. He recorded the task and wrote the necessary script. Now, thanks to EDT, I do almost everything myself. The result is faster and better.

Vadim, Czech Republic

The tool is simply amazing by the way! Best data transformation tool I’ve even seen my entire career. Wish I had of found it years ago.

Jason McGrath, Canada

We've used Access and Excel to do this sort of work for 20 years! Every so often I look around for something better. And I found your software using Google last week. It seemed exactly what we'd been looking for. I've already replaced some of the transforms I do. It's super-easy to use.. and fast. A couple of things I really like:
* Most of our systems are cloud-based and we process a lot of confidential client data. Doing this work on a PC is one less thing to worry about.
* And the way you implemented splitting one file to many is very clever.
I haven't found anything I can't do, yet. But will let you know if I do. Thanks for coming up with such a great piece of software. I'm a very happy customer.

K Elson, UK

I’m so glad I found Easy Data Transform. It’s saved hours of development time. I was about to write multiple complicated scripts to clean up and combine hundreds of thousands of .json files, but with Easy Data Transform’s interface I’ve been able to complete the task in under an hour. Everything is now ready for the database import and regular processing. I love being able to visually see the changes at every stage of the process. So grateful and thanks again for your incredibly fast response to my support request.

Chris J, UK

I use a rather large and deep file tree with Markdown files to organise all my daily notes and statistics on sports and all sorts of other things. Every day I create on average three to five new files, some of which contain tables. This quickly adds up to a huge jumble of files that, although it represents a complete document of all activities, becomes completely confusing. The Markdown files contain, among other things, tables that I generate with scripts. So far I had detailed documents of all my activities, but I was missing the overview, the bird's eye view. By chance I came across Easy Data Transform and my problem was solved. Easy Data Transform generates all imaginable overviews and statistics from the tables in the Markdown files. Whether it's annual averages or weekly totals that I want to generate - with this ingenious software, everything is just a few clicks away. I am really enthusiastic about it.

Martin Kleen, Luxembourg

I love this software! I do a lot of data conversion from one system into another and this tool has been a life saver!

Pam McLain, USA

I’ve been using EasyDataTransform for the past couple of years on a massive data migration project I’ve been working on. I just wanted to email you to say what a massive difference EasyDataTransform makes - I use it pretty much daily, and I really can’t being to imagine being able to fulfil my role without it.

Kate S, UK

Just a quick comment on EDT - wow! I love it and use it mainly for cleaning up downloaded CSV or tab-delimited text files. It relegates all those dusty old sed/awk/perl/python scripts to the bit-bucket.

John Rowney, UK

I just wanted to commend you for your great product, and for the very very prompt responses to my prior emails for assistance. We were initially overwhelmed by new data sets provided to us - flat files with many millions of rows of data – Excel and MS Access just couldn’t handle it. EDT easily and consistently translates the flat files into useful CSV data. But more importantly, your responsiveness to my questions has convinced me that you really stand behind your product and your users. Thanks to you all! We’re buying the license today.

Tracy Pounders, Tax Attorney, USA

Just a brief message to thank you for creating this tool. It has been of such great help to process my files. I will recommend your software to everyone.

Freddy van der Hulst, Netherlands

I tried the demo on a simple task I do monthly which is to pull credit card statements from various banks into one file. I never realized how much time I spent repetitively formatting CSV files. The more I use it, the more uses I find for EDT.

Matt Grossman, USA

I am SUPER impressed with this program! A colleague of mine here at Univ of Texas at Dallas recommended this to me for our database manipulations, and it's working well so far. Right now I have NOTHING that I'd ask to be improved--it's great. Thank you!

Gregg R. Dieckmann, Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas

Excellent manual - yes, I printed it and started studying it systematically. Great videos also! However, seeing a clearly written printable manual makes to me all the difference in the world when I have to buy a piece of software.

Giorgio Bedogni, Italy

After years writing scripts for my bits and pieces of data, along comes a new "disruptor" product; Easy Data Transform. It dawns on me that lots of scripting will now become unnecessary. If you've ever seen a dog snapping at a wasp, that's how quickly the result appeared! Using EDT is as easy as plugging little plastic bricks together - and just as much fun! Without programming, EDT makes detailed ad-hoc examination of your data possible. Back in the day, I'd mentally compare the desire for a 'what if' answer from my data with the time it would take to write the script - so often the question was left unanswered. Easy Data Transform has changed that.

John Marquess, UK

I am so impressed by what EDT does. In managing my finances each month, I take many credit card statements, bank account statements, and cost category files and merge them together at the beginning of each month for the prior month. This used to take 2-3 hours each time I did this. I now have EDT set up to do this and all I have to do is change the input files each month and the formatting, aggregation, and summarization all happens instantly. I set up checkpoints and error “reports” along the transform flow so I can look at various nodes to see if things are formatted and adding up the way they should be. It is such a powerful tool. I also use it to explore the famous comprehensive baseball database (Lahman I think). EDT is really a totally cool tool. I have done joins resulting in 3-4 million records and EDT handles it easily.

Jeff Anding, USA

A true gem!! Works well and the price point is amazing, well deserved! Transforming data is always tricky and time-consuming while this tool is flexible and easy to use, so it will make the job super-fast!

Fabrizio Spanu

Easy Data Transform is now an essential part of my software toolkit when working with Excel files. It’s already paid for itself many times over in terms of time saved, and its simplicity of use means you can jump in and start benefitting right away. If you have to handle large, messy Excel files, you need this program.

Tim Smith, MagicLogic

Oh my god! I have been looking for a tool like this for ages! All too often I have to ingest a spreadsheet into a scripting language just to iterate over the rows and do some basic transforms. Simple stuff, but way too complex for excel functions. Basically a way to treat a tabular spreadsheet and perform some SQL commands on it. This tool is awesome!

Cody Caughlan, USA

Easy data transform was able to do what I need to do quickly and provided a free 7 day trial. Plus the support is off the charts and super helpful!

Hari Saini, UK

Your app is now a central piece of my daily workflow. I'm a UNIX system administrator and a big part of the day I have to work with text files, specially to support our staff. I'll be honest, my Perl scripts were running short of massaging the amount of data I was working on. Lists of image files, data catalogs, converting, merging, etc. Which required constant rewriting and modification of my scripts to adapt to the task, very time consuming over time. One of our staff experiments had a massive amount of raw data that has to be transform into something more manageable and useful, so my search for an alternative started. Easy Data Transform hits the sweet spot. I have to admit that I'm still learning its capabilities, but it has helped me a lot with many of my tasks.


I just used [version] 1.7 for a major project - worked like a dream and flawless. I created an entire Payroll validation from Legacy suite to new system in less than 90 minutes: 1) Data manipulation in Easy Data Transform - 10 minutes (this would have taken several hours in Excel manually). 2) Data verification and manual checks - 45 min. 3) Excel Report Formatting - 35 min. Entire Process was easy and flawless.

Dave Vannorsdel, USA

I trialed the software and it made what was previously a very difficult and finicky process involving BBEdit and Excel simple, so I bought it. I probably won’t use it more than 4-5 times a year, but when I need it, it saves a ton of time.

Rob Olian, USA

I see EDT is still being updated frequently and regularly so you're clearly keeping busy! And I should add my thanks for keeping EDT as good as it is -- it remains a brilliant program, up there with the short list of things I often recommend to like-minded souls who don't mind thinking outside of stereotypical boxes.

Tim Parsons, UK

We were surprised how fast Easy Data Transform is. It processed our ~100,000 rows of data in just seconds, where our existing solution needed minutes. It took us less than an hour to transfer a script that filters and merges different datasets to Easy Data Transform. A script that initially took us days to write and test in our existing solution. Easy Data Transform is intuitive, fast, and simply does the job.

Oliver Grahl, PDFannotator.com

I truly enjoy using your software that helps me even for smaller chores (sorting through a list of 60 e-mails with "name, first name <whatever@somemail.xx>" and generating two columns with the names and the mails) that can be done by hand or with other software, but way faster and more enjoyably with Easy Data Transform.

Giorgio LS, Switzerland

I now use EasyDataTransform practically everyday to analyze the Philippine wholesale electricity spot market. Trading intervals are every 5-minutes so a lot of data is available, about 260k rows and 12 columns for each day, over 90 million rows for a year.

Alberto Dalusung, Philippines

I'm a founder / executive who works a lot with data. Although my engineers can set up ETLs for any regular process, I often have to explore the data myself to tell them what needs to be done. Also, in the world of startups, there is no hat too big or too small to wear for the work to be done, so executives and PMs at early stage companies often do their own analysis. Easy Data Transform is the perfect fit for managers who need to structure and analyze data, but don't need to get sucked into re-inventing the wheel of writing Python scripts for data clean-up every other day.

Ross R., USA

I really can’t say enough good things about EDT, I am finding that I’m using it every day to make things easier and essentially, better! Just today I modified the script that I was using for our ASA output, to allow me to work with a 2.9 million line log file. Pull out the important data and provide it back to our networking team so they could correct an issue to clear up intermittent Internet access for our company. The coolest thing is, it’s repeatable, in minutes not hours. You are producing an excellent product! It’s going to take me a bit to get all the transform names down and their capabilities, once I’m dialed in there, look out, I fear everything may start with an EDT Transform. LOL. For me it’s all about Data consumption, EDT makes data consumption easier, it allows me to put data into a more consumable presentation.

Kevin O., USA

I’ve been using your software and it is amazing! It has helped me tremendously!

Jason Frazier, USA

Easy Data Transform has improved the way I view and handle data. It is incredibly fast, easy to learn, and powerful. Its ability to visualize data transformation at each stage takes a multi-hour task and turns it into minutes. Amazingly, EDT is FUN to use. When was the last time an ETL was fun? As an added bonus, their technical support, not that anyone needs it, is second to none. Thank you for making a wonderfully useful product.

Andrew Blount, USA

I consider it easily the most useful new piece of software I’ve come across this year, on any platform. I had to convert a large musical database exported from a music application, and tested Easy Data Transform at full scale: 15000 records, 64 variables, an unholy mess. The XML exported from the music application was so messy it clogged up a double Xeon system for 8 hours before it crashed. Then EDT came into play, and it proved handy beyond expectation. Spreadsheet-like visualization combined with the agility of a Unix tool and the conceptual neatness of iThoughts. Elegant. We love it. We won’t part with it.

Chris L., Switzerland

Just to say that EDT is terrific! Really well done, I bow, bravo. EDT is my best software purchase since 5 years minimum.

Oliver R., Belgium

The product provides excellent value and with it I was quickly able to achieve the tasks I initially purchased it for. It's one of a small handful of software purchases I've made where I felt the value was realized by me almost immediately after purchase.

Zack Adams, USA

Amazing product capabilities at a very very low price, so very accessible pricing. Amazing support and community support. Queries are responded to within 24h often sooner. Customer feedback influences product roadmap. Enhancements and bug fixes are turned around very quickly.

Simon Jones, UK

Cannot tell you how much time this product saves me or the number of referrals I’ve made, but it is a lot.

Professor Bill Hefley, The University of Texas at Dallas

BTW, this is the most brilliant program ever. Well done!!!

Patrick H., USA

I always need to gather data from multiple sources. They could be in txt/csv formats or from multiple worksheets of an Excel or from multiple Excel. EDT is a very handy and useful ELT tool. I could finish my job in the first 15 min trial run and I cannot locate a better and simpler tool to do the same.

Joseph Chan, Hong Kong

I do a lot of data manipulation and editing. This tool makes my life easier. It takes my list and goes to work, getting things into order for me. Works well.

Cyril Baskir

Your software is fantastic! Made a transform yesterday for finding and inserting correct salutation (gender) for our German customers. Worked perfect, and saved me hours of work!

Torgrim Sandvoll, Alfasoft.com, Norway

Easy Data Transform sure is powerful! A must-have for data manipulation on my Mac.

Dr. Steven Aitken PhD PGeo, Canada

I use Easy Data Transform to join and manipulate multiple CSV files and I have found it to be very powerful and simple to use. It has saved me a lot of time as I had been using scripts to do the work previously.

Martin M, UK

I downloaded the trial and merged 6 files, some with over 2 million rows of data. I cleaned it up, removed what I didn’t need, filtered, and exported the data into a single easy to read spreadsheet. After that - I was sold. I didn’t even wait to see if I could convince my work to buy the software, choosing to make the purchase myself.

Christopher Lamer, USA

I really like your application Easy Data Transform, it helps me soooo much! I really have fun using it, good job!

Jessica Barns, studyo.co, Canada

The developer of this product was very responsive to all questions I had about figuring out specific recipes to accomplish the Excel transformations I was wanting to perform on my data. Very much appreciated.

Douglas Lietz

I do work with data and I abhor having to go through the steps I have to go through using access or any other query language. You just make it so easy.

Patricia, USA

Just yesterday I had this client with a complex list reorganization: a couple dozen lists with several thousand data sets each, in all forms of CSV - with different delimiters and encodings - and Excel files had to be stacked, deduped, sorted, columns to be merged and removed and new columns to be added in order to create new improved lists. I've done projects like this a hundred times before. I had estimated the whole day for the implementation. Enter Easy Data Transform. I basically just needed to drag and drop the files onto the file area, add the "transformations" and that was it. Done in an hour. As a first time user. Wow!

Steffen Schneider, Dynamic Development

I am using Easy Data Transform to see if I can compare raw data files from various DNA testing companies and ultimately to merge them together. I had previously done that in Excel, but that was a real PITA using vlookup functions and millions of equations. I was quite impressed that Easy Data Transform could merge 2 files of 700,000 lines together, do some summarization and pivot in about 5 seconds. The pivot table enhancements you made for me were excellent.

Louis Kessler, Canada

EDT makes extracting data for endless CSV files fast and FUN. Its a playful tool that gets that job DONE!! Very Nice.

Jarvis M, USA

I’m quite impressed with the capabilities, it has me dreaming a bit. I know there will be some excel geeks saying I can do that but being able to set up multiple filters, multiple branching and save the logic to drop and drag, all I can say is wow! Great job, I will be showcasing your app whenever I have the opportunity. And I appreciate that the price is reasonable and also that it is cross platform, a big plus in my books!

Chuck White, USA

Easy Data Transform allows quick and easy visual shuffling and exploration of biological data without command line tools and sql databases. It turns the handling of large data tables generated in transcriptome and genome analyses into a much easier task. Your app is a joy to use, it allows me to follow ideas at much higher speed than before.

Hans G.

I have been searching for a long time now for a way to manage all my suppliers price files. I have to everyday update my prices and stock from my suppliers files and comparing them to what I actually have published on my webshop. Easy data tranfer have made my work a lot easier! Thank you!

Petri Mustanoja, Sweden

I was able to immediately write a version of an accounting program in 5 minutes which effectively did the same thing that it took me hours to write in R. Easy Data Transform will save me hours on my accounting and Sales Tax support.

Michael Conley, USA

I have done formal tests with another tools and your's is simple to use and also powerful. You also have a super support users !! very reactive and very professional.

P Save, France

Easy Data Transform saved a lot of time doing a client's postal code analysis instead of trying to set it up in Excel.

Mark Krieger, Canada

I haven’t yet found a situation which I couldn’t manage with your solution. Great work :)

Erno Suomi, Finland

Easy Data Transform has a generous demo policy to help people get started and then really see the ease and power of the solution. The process for combining continuously updated, large datasets from public and private sources is greatly streamlined with this flexible tool. The visual workflow environment allows me to clearly communicate data processing workflows in our published work that are easily repeatable and adjustable by others: all without writing and textually documenting complicated data manipulation scripts.

Michael Klopfer (Academic Researcher), California, USA

Your software is easy to learn and powerful!

Craig Heitmann, gsystems.com

I use Easy Data Transform to manage my banking information from three separate accounts to analyze my expenses. Easy Data Transform cleans up the three different data structures into one universal structure, filters out everything that's not an expense and then Aggregates (fantastic) the data into Categories (gas, utilities etc.) and Class (e.i. overhead, normal etc.) and outputs to an Excel file. Excel's only job is to present a nice looking report. Why not let Excel do all the aggregating? Because Excel sheets have a way of getting complex very fast then after months of creating the sheet, when you need to make changes, it becomes unclear where the changes that are needed are located in the sheet and is prone to introduce hard to see errors in the data. In Easy Data Transform it is very easy to locate what you need to change and avoid the ease of introducing errors into the calculations.

John Nicholson, USA

Just a quick note to tell you how much I like Easy Data Transform. It’s been awhile since I have been so impressed with a software application! I was looking for a CSV-to-XML conversion via XSLT and I came across one of your videos. I downloaded a trial and within minutes purchased a copy. This is going to solve major problems for some of my client work. Thank you for a great program!

Rick Quatro, USA

Easy to use the software. Intuitive. Help section is useful to assist, an active forum and the support has been very good so far. Many features. Great Price.

Joe Lamora, rspusa.com

EDT has already enabled me to quickly accomplish at task I would not have bothered to tackle by conventional means (Excel). Briefest description I can manage: Copy/paste multiple HTML results tables for motorcycle races throughout the season so far (9 to date, 33 by end of season). More complicated than it sounds. To properly understand who’s doing best at a given point in the season it’s necessary to apply various rules-based transforms to the data. [allocate non-linear points depending on race position from a lookup table, calculate bonus podium credits for the top 3 in each race, apply a 8 rider top slice based on the aggregate of points to date (excluding podium credits), reset baseline points for the top 8 and add back in the podium credits for just those riders. Then report both position to date based on race results and projected top 8 when the cutoff is applied for the last 3 events of the season]. Making sense so far? No … I don’t think it’s meant to. The serious point is I managed to knock this together in EDT in about 45 mins never having used it before. And I enjoyed doing it. I will be able to easily paste new results tables as the season progresses. Excel could easily do the job but it would have been much more painful and taken ten times as long. The modular approach to processing of EDT is brilliant. It enables parallel approaches to be tried so easily. The block diagram presentation is fantastic. It’s easy to see the data flow and “play with the plumbing”. I love it.

Mike Parkin, UK

This tool is a gem - which was hidden for me too long. First of all I was attracted by the concept: the user can craft a combination of filters and processing tools like a flow-chart on a whiteboard. The built in tools are very powerful: pivot, join, intersection, all kinds of filters and so on. The replace tool includes regex. Plus a Javascript transform which you can program yourself. A wide range of input formats (including XML) and output formats (including Markdown) are available. This software seems to be implemented very thoughtfully. The high quality is also expressed in a very good documentation with examples. So if you are wrangling data from time to time or every day and do prefer a graphical approach and prefer to create something repeatable and automatable then this is a must have.

Thomas Schlosser, IT-Consultant, Germany

Your app is wonderful, it seems to solve a problem that should be simple for things like excel to do, but I can’t get it to do it so this app makes my life easier. Thanks for making it and also not making it a subscription app that requires an internet connection. That is a huge positive I’m my opinion.


EDT has been an extraordinarily useful tool in my job as an academic administrator. Up till now, I had written my own python CLI application to parse spreadsheets and produce reports. Your app basically supersedes my own hacked together solution. I'm using it daily.

Dr Andrew J. Hayes, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, USA

I found you by looking for XLS to XML convert tools to use with HESA return. And it is really useful to use because it Exports data so effortlessly. And I can go back to XLS and amend something and re export without major works. Before I used Excel Developer tools which failed to convert 9 times in 10. This is great!

Alexander Szabo, UK

I needed something to sort out my contacts where I had multiple files with 1000’s of contacts that needed de-duping and tidying. I purchased some contact specific software that proved to useless and happened to see your app on the winterfest promotion. I do a lot with csv files too so figured it was worth trying and it did the job well.

Chris N., UK

When it comes to quickly prep and unify data sets, even with millions of rows, nothing beats this tool. I have saved hundreds of hours by quickly be able to merge, analyze and unify data. It has become my go-to tool to prepare both small and massive data sets for both ad-hoc analysis and cleaning data before putting it into a database or BI tool.

Marcus Anzengruber, Sweden

I am using Easy Data Transform to manipulate a CSV and I just wanted to say thanks for a brilliant app. I had to split and re-order columns and it was so easy! Your help on the web site is accurate and very easy to follow. The interface, which is very unusual, is extremely effective – the design must have taken you a long time to perfect but is spot on please don’t change it). Great job. I won’t be using Excel for this type of task again anytime soon!

Shaun Parfett, UK

It's just amazingly quick and intuitive to build up some quite complex transforms.

Tim Rhodes, UK

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