Easy Data Transform newsletter

Easy Data Transform v2.0.0 beta 1 released

After a lot of hard work, Easy Data Transform v2.0.0 beta 1 is now available to try for Windows and Mac.

v2 has a whole load of new features to make your data wrangling faster and less error-prone, including:

The beta release requires a valid v1 license key and will only work until 24-Oct-2024. When it expires, there will either be another v2 beta release or a v2 production release.

Given that bugs are likely, we don’t recommend you use this beta for time-critical or important work. We suggest making a copy of existing plans using File>Save As before editing them in the beta. Any existing v1 installs should be unaffected by installing the beta.

The v2 production release will be a paid upgrade to v1.

Find out more and download the new release from the beta release page:

Download the beta release

We are making this beta release available to customers ahead of the v2 production release, so you can report any issues and send feedback.


Q: Can I buy a v2 license now?

Q: Will I get a free upgrade to v2 when it is released?
A: Only if you purchased a v1 license 90 days or less before the official v2 release date.

Q: Will I get a discounted upgrade to v2 when it is released?
A: If you have a valid Easy Data Transform license for v1, you will be able to buy v2 60% cheaper than buying a new license.

Q: Will the price change for v2?
A: The price might change at some point. But the v2.0.0 production release will be at the same low price as v1.

Q: When will v2 be released?
A: When it is ready! Maybe November. Maybe later. Maybe earlier. We aren’t going to rush it to meet an arbitrary deadline.

Q: Will v2 be able to read .transform files from v1?
A: Yes.

Reporting bugs in the beta

Please report any issues you come across with the beta. We are interested in every type of bug, from crashes to minor typos in the user interface.

Please make any bug reports as clear as possible. We need to know:

If you need to send us a large file (e.g. a video) please email a link via a service such as swisstransfer.com (which is free), rather than attaching it to an email.

The documentation is currently unfinished, so please don’t report missing documentation for this release.

If you aren’t sure if something is a bug or not, please report it.

Bug finding competition

You can win a free upgrade to v2 by sending us bug reports! Bug reports should be submitted by email to support (not the forum) and will be scored according to:

The 3 customers with the highest score when beta testing ends will get a free upgrade to v2. Our decision on this is final.

Happy bug hunting!


We are also interested in any feedback on how we could improve the new features. You can email us this or post on the forum. We can’t promise to incorporate all the feedback in v2, but we will certainly consider each and every request and some of it might get implemented in later releases.

General feedback won’t count towards the bug finding competition.

And finally…

‘Blue zones’ are supposed to be places where people live longer due to a range of factors, including better diets and stronger social connections. However, researchers looking into ‘Blue zones’ found the data to be comically flawed. Much of the ‘longevity’ may, in fact, be due to pension fraud. The researchers won a coveted Ig Nobel prize for their efforts.

Blue Zones … explained by comically flawed data

Andy Brice
Oryx Digital Ltd

Questions or problems?

Email support@easydatatransform.com