How to transform messy data into tidy data

As described in this paper by Hadley Wickham, tidy data exhibits the following characteristics:

Data not in this form is messy data. Messy data is often more compact, but tidy data is generally much easier to work with.

You can use Easy Data Transform to convert messy data into tidy data in a few clicks, as the following examples, based on the paper, show.

Install Easy Data Transform on your PC or Mac, if you haven’t done so already. It will only take a minute. There is a fully functional free trial and you don’t have to give us your email or sign up to anything.

Start Easy Data Transform. Make sure the Auto Run button is pressed in.

Auto run on

Example 1

This table on US income and religion has variables as both rows and columns:

religion <$10k $10-20k $20-30k $30-40k $40-50k $50-75k
Agnostic 27 34 60 81 76 137
Atheist 12 27 37 52 35 70
Buddhist 27 21 30 34 33 58

Highlight the above table and copy it to the clipboard. Then click the From Clipboard button in Easy Data Transform. A new input item will appear containing the table data.

messy data example

Ensuring that show advanced is checked and the Clipboard item is selected, click on the Gather button in the Left pane. Then set the Right pane options as shown below:

tidy data example

The data is now rearranged into tidy data:

tidy data table

You could now click To File at the bottom of the Left pane if you wanted to save the tidy data to a file.

Example 2

This table of song chart positions is messy because there are multiple observations of the song position on each row:

year artist track time date.entered wk1 wk2 wk3
2000 2 Pac Baby Don’t Cry 4:22 2000-02-26 87 82 72
2000 2Ge+her The Hardest Part Of … 3:15 2000-09-02 91 87 92
2000 3 Doors Down Kryptonite 3:53 2000-04-08 81 70 68

Highlight the above table and copy it to the clipboard. Then click the From Clipboard button in Easy Data Transform. A new input item will appear containing the table data.

Ensuring that the new Clipboard item is selected, click on the Gather button in the Left pane. Then set the Right pane options as shown below:

transform to tidy data

The data is now tidy:

tidy data

To change the week into a number, use the Replace transform. With the new Gather item selected, click the Replace button in the Left pane. In the Right pane:

clean tidy data

Here is the cleaned up tidy data:

tidy data table

Example 3

This table is messy because there are multiple observations per row and also the columns contain both gender and age information:

country year m014 m1534 m3564 m65 f014 f1534 f3564 f65
AD 2000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
AE 2000 2 4 4 6 5 12 10 6
AF 2000 52 228 183 149 129 94 80 149

Highlight the above table and copy it to the clipboard. Then click the From Clipboard button in Easy Data Transform. A new input item will appear containing the table data.

Ensuring that the new Clipboard item is selected, click on the Gather button in the Left pane. Then set the Right pane options, checking all the gender/age columns, as shown below:

untidy data

This transforms the data into one observation per row:

one observation per row

We now need a little more work to separate out the gender and age. Add an If transform to add a new gender column:

tidy data separate columns

Add a Chop transform to remove the gender from the column column:

tidy data columns

Add a Rename Cols transform to rename the column column to age and a Replace transform to make the age ranges clearer:

tidy data replace

And finally add a Reorder Cols transform to change the column order:

tidy data reorder cols

The Center pane should now look something like this:

tidy data process

Example 4

This table is messy because there are multiple observations per row, the date is spread over several columns and tmax and tmin values are stored in the same columns:

id year month element d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8
MX17004 2010 1 tmax
MX17004 2010 1 tmin
MX17004 2010 2 tmax 27.3 24.1
MX17004 2010 2 tmin 14.4 14.4
MX17004 2010 3 tmax 32.1
MX17004 2010 3 tmin 14.2

Highlight the above table and copy it to the clipboard. Then click the From Clipboard button in Easy Data Transform. A new input item will appear containing the table data.

Ensuring that the new Clipboard item is selected, click on the Gather button in the Left pane. Then set the Right pane options, checking the d1 … d8 columns as shown below:

tidy data gather

Use a Filter transform to remove rows with no useful information:

tidy data filter

Now we can construct a date column. Use the Chop transform to remove the ‘d’ prefix from the day column:

tidy data chop

Use the Pad transform to pad the month and day columns with leading zeros:

tidy data pad

Concatenate the 3 date columns using the Concat Cols transform with ‘-‘ as the Delimiter:

tidy data date

Use the Remove Cols transform to remove year, month and day columns:

tidy data remove columns

And rename the date column using the Rename Cols transform:

tidy data rename

Finally we can use the Spread transform to separate out tmax and tmin into separate columns:

tidy data spread

The Center pane should now look something like this:

tidy data pipeline

You can download a Easy Data Transform .transform file with the above 4 examples. File>Open it in Easy Data Transform.

As well as converting messy data to tidy data, Easy Data Transform also allows you to combine 66 transforms to quickly and easily get your data in the form you need it.

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