Easy Data Transform newsletter

Easy Data Transform v1.13.0 released

Easy Data Transform v1.13.0 is now available for Windows and Mac. This release adds new features, including:

Find out more and download the new release from the release page:

Download Easy Data Transform v1.13.0

This is a free upgrade to anyone with a v1 license. If you don’t yet have a license, you can buy one here.

Many thanks to everyone that sent in suggestions and bug reports.

32 bit Windows support dropped

Previously we supported both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows (the Mac version has always been 64 bit only). However our analytics data show that very few people were using Easy Data Transform on 32 bit versions of Windows. So the new release only supports 64 bit versions of Windows. As a bonus the Windows installer has gone from 50MB to 30MB in size.

In the unlikey event that you are still using 32 bit Windows, you can continue to use v1.12.1. You can check whether you are on 32 or 64 bit Windows in the About window of your current Easy Data Transform install.

windows 64 or 32 bit

Expert Tips

We put together a page of expert tips. Is there anything else you think we should add? Let us know in this forum thread.

Andy Brice
Oryx Digital Ltd

Questions or problems?

Email support@easydatatransform.com